60 yr old female with viral pyrexia,? COPD

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.
Unit 6 admission
AMC bed 2
A 60 yr old female came to the casualty with chief complaints of fever since 3 days 
c/o dry cough since 3 days 
c/o SOB since 1 day
patient was apparently alright 3 days ago and then developed fever which was intermittent ,not associated with chills and rigors
c/o dry cough not associated with sputum since2 days
SOB since morning
c/o constipation since 4 days,and generalised body aches,
no c/o of vomitings, loose stools and burning micturition
no c/o malena,hematemesis, bleeding gums,rashes
no c/o pedal edema ,facial puffiness,and decreased urine output
past history 
not a known case oc HTN,DM,CAD ,CVA
appetite- normal
bowel movements- regular
micturition- normal
no addictions
no significant family history
general examination
no pallor,icterus, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy and edema
pulse rate: 113bpm
BP: 110/60 mmHg
respiration: 24/min
spo2 : 95%at RA
GRBS: 149mg/dl
s1,s2 heard
RS :
soft,non tender
provisional diagnosis
viral pyrexia , ? COPD
1) IVF 
  2 pint NS 
  2 pint RL
  1 pint DNS @100 mp/hr
2) Tab.Dolo 650 mg po/Qid
3)Neb.Duolin 8th hrly
             Budecort 8 th hrly
4)inj.neomol 1 gm IV /sos ( if temp > 101F)
5)GRBS 12 th hrly
6)inj.pantop 40 mg IV/OD
7) vitals monitoring 4th hrly
8) plenty of fluids (4 lit /day)

Soap notes Day 2
 Ward case 60 yr old female
S :
No fever spike
No complaints
O :
O/E , pt is C/C/C
Temp - 98.6F
BP- 90/60 mmhg
PR - 102 BPM
CVS - S1S2 +
CNS - no focal deficits
P/A: soft non tender , BS +
A : viral pyrexia
        ? COPD
P :
1) IVF :2 NS,1RL @ 100 mL / HR
2) TAB : Dolo 650 mg Po TID
3) Neb Budicort 8 th hrly
      Duolin 8 th hrly
4) inj neomol 1gm IV SOS
5) Tab . Pan 40 mg Po OD
6) plenty of oral fluids
7) syp . Gryllinctus 10 ml po od


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